A Real-time View Of The Macro Economic Sentiment Of Your Customers
If the last 3 years in eCommerce have taught us anything it is that the macro economic environment that we are operating in plays a major role in the performance of our business. But up until now there has been no way for merchants and marketers to get a view into this data. Previous versions of consumer confidence indexes are published only monthly and lag by weeks, making the data useless for brands in desperate need of insight when making critical business decisions like inventory purchasing and media budgeting. That is why Common Thread Collective (CTC) and KnoCommerce partnered together to bring you the Direct to Consumer Confidence Index, 5 data driven questions asked to 5000 eCommerce shoppers daily and analyzed to create a consistent index score that we publish every single day.

A Real-time View Of The Macro Economic Sentiment Of Your Customers
If the last 3 years in eCommerce have taught us anything it is that the macro economic environment that we are operating in plays a major role in the performance of our business. But up until now there has been no way for merchants and marketers to get a view into this data. Previous versions of consumer confidence indexes are published only monthly and lag by weeks, making the data useless for brands in desperate need of insight when making critical business decisions like inventory purchasing and media budgeting. That is why Common Thread Collective (CTC) and KnoCommerce partnered together to bring you the Direct to Consumer Confidence Index, 5 data driven questions asked to 5000 eCommerce shoppers daily and analyzed to create a consistent index score that we publish every single day.

KnoCommerce Powers Survey Data Collection
KnoCommerce has a network of more than 2500 stores delivering their post purchase attribution surveys. They collect more than 6M responses to survey questions every month from American consumers. As of March 2023 they began introducing the DTCCI survey to a representative sample of customers every single day across their network.

KnoCommerce Powers Survey Data Collection
KnoCommerce has a network of more than 2500 stores delivering their post purchase attribution surveys. They collect more than 6M responses to survey questions every month from American consumers. As of March 2023 they began introducing the DTCCI survey to a representative sample of customers every single day across their network.
Common Thread Collective Turns The Data Into Business Altering Insights
After pioneering a research project that discovered the connection between consumer confidence and MER (marketing efficiency ratio). CTC was eager to gather even more data to help its customers add a macro economic indicator to their forecasting and spend modeling. The CTC data science team ingests the KNO data and provides the output score we track every data. Additionally, CTC is working to produce corollary predictors for key eCommerce metrics like Spend, CAC, MER, aMER and more…
Common Thread Collective Turns The Data Into Business Altering Insights
After pioneering a research project that discovered the connection between consumer confidence and MER (marketing efficiency ratio). CTC was eager to gather even more data to help its customers add a macro economic indicator to their forecasting and spend modeling. The CTC data science team ingests the KNO data and provides the output score we track every data. Additionally, CTC is working to produce corollary predictors for key eCommerce metrics like Spend, CAC, MER, aMER and more…

Want Custom Insights On Your Customers?
If you are interested in the sentiment of your specific customers or understanding how your brand performance correlates to the DTCCI sign up here to learn more.

Want Custom Insights On Your Customers?
If you are interested in the sentiment of your specific customers or understanding how your brand performance correlates to the DTCCI sign up here to learn more.